The Cheltenham kitchen staff  is proud to provide students with scratch-made food items daily and utilizes a “heat-and-serve” method only when necessary. Our kitchen staff collaborates with a DPS-contracted professional team of chefs to develop the monthly menu and navigate nutritional guidelines set by the CDE to ensure our superheroes are getting nutritious food to fuel their minds.

Superheroes have the option of choosing between three daily options. There are two hot entrees, one meat and one vegetarian option. The third option is either a sandwich or a yogurt basket. All meals include a self-serve salad bar that includes a variety of fruits and vegetables daily. All menu items meet USDA nutritional and calorie requirements.

Please note, cafeteria menus are subject to change due to supply chain issues. Menu changes will be communicated to students prior to their lunch time.

To learn more about Food & Nutrition Services, please visit their website here.